
How to Choose a Home Generator


Trying to choose a home generator can be a difficult process. Luckily, many local business offer free estimates, friendly service representatives, and help throughout the entire installation. So when it comes to generators, what do you need to know?


Propane or natural gas?

Generators can run off of either propane or natural gas. For homeowners, deciding which type of generator to get may be made based on whether you currently have natural gas services on your property or whether you would prefer to put in propane.


Propane generators are slightly less powerful, but a more cost-efficient and Eco-friendly option. Natural gas generators are generally able to power more, but come at a bit higher cost and noise level. Ultimately, this is a decision that homeowners can make based on their individual preferences.


Putting in propane?

If you don't have a natural gas connection on your property, or would just prefer to put in propane, you will have to put in a propane tank. Most companies who offer generator installation and maintenance services offer this as well.



What size?

Generators come in many different brands and sizes, and they are all measured in kilowatts. The amount of kilowatts you will need depends on what you are wanting to power. This is why it is so important to work with a company who installs generators regularly and can offer advice and assistance in choosing a generator. Many companies, including the sales team at America First Air Conditioning and Heating, offer free estimates for this reason, but it's best to start looking with a bit of information and a vision.


Sometimes, customers know exactly which type of generator they want, so representatives can help with finding a price for that model and setting up an installation. However, knowing your square footage, as well as the kinds of appliances you'd like to power when the power goes out, makes it easy to be fit with a generator that is right for your home.


Servicing and Monitoring

All generators require regular servicing to function at their best. Just like your car, there is oil inside of a generator that needs to be changed. It's a good choice to also set up an annual servicing plan when purchasing a generator, that way it's covered and you don't have to worry about it when you need power.


Lakeland Generators offers a 24/7 monitoring system that works with their generators. This way, if the generator loses power or has any issues, the customer and company are sent an alert, and a tech can be dispatched at any time of the day or night.



How do I get started?

Reaching out to a local generator installation service for an estimate and more information is step one. Many air conditioning and heating services also offer generator installation, so don't forget to check with them as well. Come with a game plan-- your square footage, types of appliances you are looking to power, and a basic idea of where you would like the permanent generator to be installed-- and let the experts help you figure out the rest.


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