
102 Arrested in 6-Day PCSO

Crime/Public Safety Posted by: Reposted by Central Florida Cities on Nov 1, 2021 9:38AM

Operation No Tricks No Treats 2021: 102 Arrested in 6-Day PCSO Undercover Operation Seeking to Disrupt Human Trafficking

Media Contact: Carrie Horstman, Administrator

Over six days, Polk County Sheriff’s undercover detectives conducted a special investigation known as “Operation No Tricks No Treats,” with the intent of identifying and helping victims of human trafficking who might be forced into prostitution. 
Assisting PCSO in the operation which began on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, were officers from the Auburndale, Haines City, Lake Hamilton, Lake Wales, and Lakeland Police Departments. 

The operation utilized internet advertisements to arrange the meetings between undercover detectives and suspects, which took place at an undercover location in Polk County. 

“The primary purpose for these operations is to identify victims of human trafficking and those who prey on the victims, as well as the deviant child predators who stalk children online. We work hand-in-hand with organizations to get help for the victims of human trafficking. We identified three possible victims during this investigation.”  - Grady Judd, Sheriff.   

There were three people who came to the undercover location to commit prostitution, but may be victims of human trafficking, one of whom is a juvenile. Detectives worked with Selah Freedom, One More Child, Heartland for Children, and Children’s Home Society Child Advocacy Center for assistance and support. 

Each person who was arrested for prostitution was given immediate access to the members of the anti-trafficking organizations and offered assistance. 

Two men were arrested for soliciting who they thought were children online. One of those suspects travelled to the location to meet the “child,” and the other suspect was arrested in Orange County where he works, on a Polk County Warrant.  

There were 39 people arrested for offering to commit prostitution, which is a second degree misdemeanor, and four of those suspects have prior arrests for prostitution; of the 39 arrests, two are possible adult victims of human trafficking – a third juvenile victim was not arrested. 61 were arrested who were soliciting a prostitute, which is a first degree misdemeanor, and five of those were previously arrested for the same.

Operation No Tricks No Treats 2021 poster

Some interesting notes from the operation:

• 11 of those arrested told detectives that they are married. 
• Detectives charged those arrested with a total of 29 felonies and 143 misdemeanors.
• Criminal histories of everyone arrested included 275 previous felonies and 429 previous misdemeanors. Some of the prior histories include charges for kidnapping, robbery, aggravated battery, and sex offenses. 
• 4 of the arrested were from other states (Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas). 
• 55 suspects live in Polk County.
• 14 suspects told detectives they receive government assistance. 
• Detectives seized cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, MDMA (Ecstasy), and marijuana, from those arrested during the operation.
• One of the suspects is in the country illegally, and two of the possible trafficking victims are here illegally.
• The oldest person arrested is 78 years old, while the youngest is 19 years old. 

For more information please visit the Polk County Sheriff website link

SOURCE: Polk County Sheriff's Department

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